Campus Technology Insider Podcast May 2024

Rhea Kelly  22:51
And not only for text, but soon, you know, video, and imagery, and things like that.

Shlomo Argamon  22:58
Oh very much in video and imagery, and you need to think about the implications. Imagery, in a sense is, it's more dangerous, in a way, because images get into your, into your brain in a way that, that text does not. Text, reading text stimulates, in a way, your critical faculties to some extent, because you have to be interpreting the text as you're reading, whereas images look like reality. So, so you have to more actively activate your critical faculties when, when looking at images or videos.

Rhea Kelly  23:36
So obviously, Touro University is putting, you know, AI at the head of sort of a, you know, in a strategic mission kind of way. Do you think that's a thing that every university should be doing?

Shlomo Argamon  23:49
I think that it's a thing that every university should be thinking about seriously. Whether AI should be at the forefront of strategy, that, it's hard for me to say that that's going to be the case for every university. There's a tremendous diversity among higher education institutions. And I think that, in fact, going, going back to the theme of the malaise of higher education and the, the identity crisis, I think that part of the identity crisis is a feeling that all higher educational institutions are or should be aiming at being the same thing, in a way. I think that there is, there is an idea like that out there, even if it's not explicit, often. And I think that we need a diversity of higher educational institutions. We need that understanding among, you know, those of us who work in higher education, but even more so, we need that understanding to be spread across society, so that people who are looking to go to college or looking for higher education of any form, you know, understand that different institutions have different purposes. They're doing different things. And students who are coming and looking to study should be asking, "Well, what am I looking for? And what is this institution, what are the goals of this institution? What is the character of this particular institution? And looking for that match: not just, you know, which one is ranked higher on some list of universal rankings? That's not the question. The question is, what's a good match for me?

Rhea Kelly  25:21
Thank you for joining us. I'm Rhea Kelly, and this was the Campus Technology Insider podcast. You can find us on the major podcast platforms or visit us online at Let us know what you think of this episode and what you'd like to hear in the future. Until next time.
