Campus Technology Insider Podcast July 2024
Kevin Johnstun 16:38
Yeah, so I think we have a couple of things. So one, in this particular report, we've tried to write at just a high enough level that we're not getting undercut by the next, you know, model release. And so, you know, the things like safety and evidence, they apply no matter what kind of model you're using. Some of the stuff we have tried to speak to what we're seeing in terms of trends in, in the ecosystem. And so that's like a place where we would, you know, we might need to be thinking about how to update on those trends. And then I think one of the biggest things is we want to take this show on the road. Like we want to get to places where we can talk with developers and use the framework that we have in place to hear from them, to decide what it is that they, you know, need, and then we can continue to release, you know, either addendums or, you know, companion resources, or things like that. But it's really important for us, and even more important is that we get in spaces where we have both developers and institution-side folks together, and then we can hear from both of them together. And that really is a powerful mix for us in terms of being able to provide technical assistance and resources that meet the needs of the field. So if you are a developer or institution folk, and you want to hear from us or want to work with us, you know, like we're all for it. That's one of our main responsibilities in this office, is to do technical assistance and to, to reach out and help convene folks and bring them together. And so over the next several months that's going to be, you know, a big part of the rollout of this guide is getting in spaces where we can do that.
Rhea Kelly 18:27
Yeah. I would love to see some events, you know, out there at different universities, to have both sides come together and talk about these important issues.
Kevin Johnstun 18:36
Yeah, for sure.
Rhea Kelly 18:38
So you mentioned a couple of new resources that are coming down, you know, on the horizon, including a guide for higher ed. Can you talk, give me any more of a sneak preview on those, or when, when, you know, what the timeline might be for those?
Kevin Johnstun 18:52
Yeah. I mean, I think one of the things that's really exciting about these resources, and this is something that OET does with many of its resources, in fact, we did it with the developer's guide too, is we gathered extensive input from the community in order to inform our recommendations. So with the developer's guide, we held a public listening session with over 200 developers on the line. We met with small groups of developers of all kinds of sizes, from small businesses to people who are working in research or institution-like kind of higher ed settings, and really tried to get them engaged in helping us understand where they were headed and what they were doing. And what's exciting about the guide that's coming is we've done the same kind of thing for higher ed–specific. So we had roundtables with about 40 different institutions, leaders from centers of teaching and learning, from faculty representatives, from union leaders, to come together and inform that. And then we had a very interesting event where we actually were convened at the White House with about 10 university presidents and representatives from another 30 institutions, as well as, you know, major nonprofits in the higher ed sector. And so all of that input is being taken and put into that brief, as well as a kind of literature scan, so looking at what does the academic literature say about what is most effective, what are some real opportunities. And so obviously we're still in the process of work, working through it and clearing it, but I'm very excited for the input that went into it, and I'm hoping that it will reflect that back to the field and move the conversation forward.
Rhea Kelly 20:37
That's that's exciting. I can't wait to see that, the fruits of all of that labor.
Kevin Johnstun 20:44
Yeah, it'll be great.
Rhea Kelly 20:48
Thank you for joining us. I'm Rhea Kelly, and this was the Campus Technology Insider podcast. You can find us on the major podcast platforms or visit us online at Let us know what you think of this episode and what you'd like to hear in the future. Until next time.